III International Lecture Series: Globalization, History and Digital Humanities


Within the framework of the profound and transcendental transformations that Humanity is experiencing in the 21st century as a consequence, among other things, of the growing hyperdigitality and hyper-technologization, the objective of this lecture is to propose a reflection on how Digital Humanities, understood from the perspective of critical humanities and transformative humanities, can become a project that helps us to build a new sense of humanity for the XXI century; in other words, a project to build a new humanism that can respond to the question of what it means to be a human being in a hyperdigital, hyper-technologized and hyper-connected society. This line of investigation, criticism and action implies a displacement of the focus of attention from the disciplinary questions to the human being itself. It also implies a change of question, since instead of asking ourselves about how to advance humanistic knowledge through the application of computational methodologies, we interrogate on how the world can be transformed while producing this knowledge.


Date: March 29th,  2019

Time: 12:00pm

Venue: Archivo General de Indias (Sevilla)

Access free

Organizer: Universidad Pablo de Olavide